Terms & Data Privacy

General Terms

ChessMonitor UG (haftungsbeschränkt) provides a website to present statistics of chess players and chess games.

This page might contain bugs and you use it as it is without any guarantees.

Do not use bots or crawlers to access the website.

The website is based on data from multiple other data sources. You can find the full list of sources in the Credits.

Data Privacy

Web Analytics

This page uses CloudFlare Web Analytics to analyze traffic. No personal data is stored. All data is stored anonymously.

Sign in

You can sign in by using a third-party service (called OAuth). That way, ChessMonitor stores an identifier about you, but the password is not transferred in the process.

  • Chess.com: When you connect your account, ChessMonitor stores your profile identifier and your mail address.
  • Lichess: When you connect your account, ChessMonitor stores your profile identifier and your mail address.
  • Google: When you use Google to login, ChessMonitor stores your mail address. You can withdraw access for ChessMonitor anytime in your Google permissions settings.

The only personal information stored in the process is the profile ID and the mail address from your login provider.

Newletter and Emails

This page uses Brevo to send emails. This includes confirmation mails and newsletter mails. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter anytime by clicking at the unsubscribe link at the end of each email.


In addition to your login information, ChessMonitor downloads your chess games from Chess.com and/or Lichess.org to provice you statistics:

This contains various information like the profile URL, player name, number of wins/draws/losses, title (e.g. GM), openings, moves, start times and more. This data is public information available to anyone and evaluated by ChessMonitor to present you various statistics.

Account Deletion

The mail address is stored for some providers in the database. If you want to delete your account, please write me a mail to remove your data from the database.